

Patient Safety Organization (PSO) Listing Guide (Revised October 2022)

The PSO Listing Guide is an informal educational resource to help readers locate and learn about the requirements for PSO listing under the Patient Safety Act and Rule. It is intended to help prospective and listed PSOs understand the requirements underlying their attestations and their related compliance obligations.

Download the PSO Listing Guide (PDF, 716 KB)

Guide for PSOs and Providers for Determining Parent Organization and Affiliated Providers (July 2021)

This Guide addresses how the Patient Safety Rule determines a parent organization of a PSO or a provider, and how the Patient Safety Rule determines an "affiliated provider."  The terms "parent" and "component", which are used in the Rule, differ from traditional legal interpretation. The Guide explains how to apply these concepts to more complex organizational and corporate structures.

Download Guide for PSOs and Providers for Determining Parent Organizations and Affiliated Providers (PDF, 0.2 MB)

PSO Policies and Procedures—Topics to Address (July 2021)

This Guide provides entities with topics to consider when developing their Policies and Procedures.

Download PSO Policies and Procedures—Topics to Address (PDF, 389 KB)

What is the Role of the PSO Authorized Official (July 2021)

This Guide addresses the role of the PSO Authorized Official.

Download What is the Role of the PSO Authorized Official (PDF, 490 KB)

Working With a PSO: One Approach Video and Diagram

"Working with a PSO: One Approach," was developed in response to numerous inquiries from PSOs and providers alike on how a provider should set up a Patient Safety Evaluation System (PSES) when working with a PSO. The video addresses how the concept of a PSES is flexible to meet varying needs of providers. The model this video reviews is intended to raise many—but certainly not all—of the issues that a provider should consider.

Working with a PSO: One Approach (Video, 34 minutes)—Terms of Use Disclaimer

Working with a PSO: One Approach Diagram (PDF, 0.2 MB)

Frequently Asked Questions

This is a list of frequently asked questions and corresponding answers.


Page last reviewed August 2023
Page originally created January 2014

Internet Citation: Guides. Content last reviewed August 2023. Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality, Rockville, MD.

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